Wednesday, January 21, 2009

They Ripped My Arms Off and Threw Them Over There!

Ever feel like the Scarecrow after the Wicked Witch's flying monkeys get done with him? When I am being pulled in dozens of different directions by dozens of people who are all blithely oblivious to the fact that HELLO! YES! WORKING AS HARD AS A WOMAN WITH TWO ARMS CAN, that is exactly what I feel like!

Allow me to answer some of those questions I get on a daily basis:

NO - those mental telepathy courses haven't paid off yet and so you WILL have to spell out those urgent requests that I get grief for not having followed through on when I didn't know I was supposed to do something in the first place!

NO - I didn't finish ALL of the assignments I was given that, on his best day, would have Hercules babbling and begging! And the concept that everything has a priority, and that priority is FIRST? WRONG! Multi-tasking doesn't mean cloning myself so I can do everything, for everyone, all at once.

NO - I haven't been able to survive without eating and yes, indeed, I will need to take that lunch hour!

NO - See above re: sleep.

NO - I will not give up my personal life. It's pitiful, sure, but it's MY LIFE.

I'm notorious for being the poster girl for "can't say no". In my next life (and yes I believe in reincarnation because hell, I deserve a real humdinger of a great life next time after this!), I'm going to be a woman of few words.

And they are all going to be: NO!!!!!!!!!!!