Saturday, November 29, 2008

Neighbors From Hell

In addition to stupid people, one of the things that gets my dander up (as my old Grandpa used to say) is obnoxious, inconsiderate, rude, freakish neighbors. And it's just my luck that I've got 'em, in spades.

But today there's one that I'm really aching to have it out with. Unfortunately, given that this neighbor is way under-medicated for various psychotic conditions, I'll probably never get to do it.

Unnamed neighbor first suffers from paranoia. Additionally this neighbor, or "N" as I'll call it, is also of a mind that no one except itself has any right to do anything that might ever, concievably, be an annoyance to anyone else. Like, oh, say, dogs barking (1 night of a dog barking got the cops called to complain about me and mine....but N's bark incessantly, day, night, morning - whenever N has vacated the premises! And N is well aware of this. It is a testament to N's scarey-ness that no one has dared call on N. Because we're all afraid of N's retaliations. They are ugly.

Like, parking cars on the street - NEVER in front of N's house or the police will be called (never mind that it is a public street with permitted parking).

NEVER inidcate a friendly attitude toward anyone that N does not like. This will more than likely result in the town being called with a false and scurrilous complaint about something. The irony is that whatever the supposed infraction is, is more than likeliy one committed with aplomb by N itself.

N is suspicious of everyone and notes that another neighbor (who shall be called The Wing Nut) is always spying on it's neighbors. But the reason N knows this is that N always has it's snout pressed against the window - you guessed it - spying on its neighbors!

N causes trouble for everyone in shouting distance. N is frightening in it's retaliatory capabilities. So I'm staying out of N's path. Even today when N swept and raked all the leaves and debris from its yard and swept them - across the street into mine!

Me? I'm a firm believer in karma. And given the years of bad behavior, N's due for a major dose.

One can only hope.

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